Friday, March 4, 2011

-high Css Launch Option

Gwardeath TV - Episode 15 - Special Perversions Hivernales

Uploaded from my videoblog Gwardeath TV # 15 - Special perversions winter (winter 2010-2011).

Contents: nocturnal cats, tattoos, bondage, urine, alcohol, promiscuity, plunging necklines, voyeurism, commercial sex, tampons, sado-masochism, mops, jean jackets, Germanophilism, beards and mustaches. To see quickly before censorship.

Oh, we also see a little The Ex (at Krakatoa) and Truman's Water (at Saint-Ex).

No detailed making of images but you will find in many subjects I have already mentioned in the entries in this blog: Cosy Party, Night Demonia, love of work well done Pad, etc..

One regret: Greg Vezon, which one sees the works of one day opening at the turn of this episode is so small that there is not even a website devoted to his work (in fact it is mostly completely paranoid ). I hope one day will be filled this gap. It is incomprehensible that he has not even released a book, or at least one album.

Wunderbar: now it's good, we can go without problem (well, it depends a bit of night). Go have a drink!

Arnaud (Turbojugend Bordeaux) became sober, since this Early in the evening watered Duff. He stands on his blog a first assessment experience straight edge xxx .

Franck, as we see on the battery, was drummer Belly Button (old 90's remember) and now cares label Sound (logo by Greg Vezon, exactly) and Artist Agency Jaapan . He lives and works in Tokyo, where he will go one day while shooting a TV episode Gwardeath! Meanwhile, I work out (just yesterday, I ate sushi).

expert hands tattoo me are those of the good guy David who did a great job. I'm looking forward the next session. It will result in photograph in the next issue of Animal Fat , which can be seen as the boss of the publication at the turn of a sidewalk on this episode.

Finally, three members of Year Of No Light (again, artwork by Greg Vezon .. .. It's amazing!) Appear in this episode. Did you know all recognize?

illustration credit: Greg Vezon for the Sound label.


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