Sunday, January 30, 2011

Deleteing A Series On Direct Tv

Major exhibitions: Chapter 2, Science Fiction to Science City

Second Expo Paris after I enquillée Orsay, Science & Science Fiction - Adventure cross to the City of Science and Industry.

I'm not going to make a large topo, it is best that you teleport directly to the website dedicated , which is my faith rather full.

Expo is nice to visit, exciting, even with a selection of rarities able to thrill fans, and a crossover between artistic imagination and ongoing inventory of scientific advances.

I devoured Jules Verne as a kid, I went to the moon with Tintin, I discovered the Force when my dad got him to see Star Wars film, I was a fan of the last session, I took almost all the classics at the library, and even today, when some of my friends on vacation in Morocco or on an island Croatia, it is not uncommon for my part I go to the gondola on the canals, or Martians shopping on Coruscant.

Take the time to check the site: the show is up until July 3. I just put some souvenir photos of this session of star trek:

Before a model of Viper (Battlestar Galactica)

original Star Destroyer Model (Star Wars).

board's original story board of the Empire Strikes Back.

Explanations Star Trek Braille.

Splendid pulp magazine cover.

Self Portrait with two funny that you no doubt recognize ...

Roby the Robot (Forbidden Planet) and a sample of his descendants.

A beautiful signature on the book of the exhibition.

PS: I wanted to cram a pun priceless in conclusion: "I decided to do donate my body to science fiction "(authentic replica I made this week at the coffee hour). I posted the reply Facebook status, so alpha-testing. And there, Mr. Jean-Daniel, who must spend time on the internet + to mow his lawn, commented: " copyright for this little phrase in Lemmy Kilmister . I regret not being original, but I appreciate the community of mind with daron Motörhead!

In my opinion, spends every Jidé status it reads on Google to hunt for references.

Radio Metal: Ozzy Osbourne has expressed the wish to donated her body to science after his death because he wondered how, with all the alcohol and any drug that has absorbed his life, he may still be alive today. Have you ever asked these questions?

Lemmy Kilmister: I'll donate my body to medical science fiction.


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