Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Installing Slate Over Drywall

Destocking milk drink: hello would it with the new school of exports or targeted? Record

As we mentioned in a previous note (see: Stock Technical milk drink) the Department of Commerce has regulated this year and storage operations destocking of drinking milk to avoid shortages. The initial aim of storing about 50 million L was exceeded by 20% to the level of 60 million L.

However laudable the intention to avoid shortages caused other problems. All operators of the milk beverage industry are struggling to liquidate their excess inventory for a variety of reasons: poor sales because of poor quality, poor sales due to logistical problems, blocking the reception to avoid supply of stock with the risk of losing suppliers of raw milk, ...

In addition, a ralentissemnet consumption of milk was raised: tourist season shortened by the onset of Ramadan during the month of August, changing eating habits during the summer ...

The financial impact of this slow pace of destocking may be detrimental to the operators of the industry milk drink. Lengthening the rotation of stock in excess of 60 days results in significant losses in the finished product, and because the initial microbiological quality of raw milk to dairies and reaching that oscillates around 107 colonies / mL on average. This microbial load with a lot of pathogens, and spore heat-resistant enzymes are found malgrés degermination and UHT sterilization in finished products. Therefore the stability of our UHT milk is compromised after 45 to 60 days. You have to figure the amount of losses due to a lengthening of the rotation of stock.

The solution?

In principle all operators hope to accelerate the destocking of inventories of UHT milk with the recovery in consumption that usually accompanies the start of school. If this scenario does not realize permits for export must be granted by regulators to operators of industrial milk drinking. Fixing the next stock for fiscal 2011 should be carefully considered in order to alleviate Lafois the interests of consumers but also the interests of dairy operators


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