Saturday, January 12, 2008

Brazilizn Waxing Positions

Israel: an example to follow

Israel is a country smaller than Tunisia (20,770 sq km vs. 164,000 km ²) without any particular tradition of milk production. The climatic conditions are harsh or harsher than the conditions prevailing in Tunisia (The milk is produced even in the Negev desert).

The existing herd of purebred herd is 50% pure breed in Tunisia. Milk production in Israel exceeds 1.2 million tons while that of Tunisia has not exceeded one million tonnes. The average lactation Holstein Israeli is about 10,000 kg per year is twice more than the Holstein line in Tunisia.

Highlights of the Israeli dairy industry are: i) the large size of herds, ii) the technical Breeders and iii) specialization of dairy farms with an integration of speculation fodder. Moreover, prices are blocked or the production or consumption. The cooperative aspect (the kibbutz) is not imposed by government and is the own choice of cooperators who prefer the pooling of production tools to minimize costs while maximizing the available agricultural and animal resources. Some have their own kibbutz industrial tool (cheese, dairy ,...).

The Israeli example is easily transposed to Tunisia with the political will to reform the dairy industry in Tunisia.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What Does Vladmodels Mean

Yoga Kundalini à Rockland Kundalini Yoga in Rockland

Yoga du lundi soirs au Centre culturel Ste Famille

Session Monday 21 January to 10 March 19h - 20h30

Kundalini Yoga - practice of stretching, postures, breathing techniques, deep relaxation and meditation.

Registration for the session of 7 courses at the Cultural Center 613-446-5770 Holy Family

Meditation Early Bird Thursday

Thursdays mornings (in French) 7am to 8am InMotion Health and Fitness Club
Meditation - practice of yoga exercises to warm the body followed by learning meditation and its techniques and secrets in the tradition of Kundalini Yoga. Join the Club

InMotion Health and Fitness Club 613-446-7111

Wednesday Night Kundalini Yoga

Wednesday evenings 7:30 to 9 pm Rockland Yoga Centre, Ocean Room
Kundalini Yoga – Experience this 21st century technology connecting your body, mind and soul. Practice a series of yoga postures (kriyas) accompanied by calming or cleansing breathing techniques (pranayama), deep relaxation and meditation.

Registration Rockland Yoga Centre 613-446-1818 or

Saturday Morning Adult Kundalini Yoga

7-week session starting January 26 from 9h30 – 11h
Community Hall Your Independent Grocer
Kundalini Yoga (bilingual) -- class consists of 60 minutes of at your pace yoga set with postures and breathing techniques followed by deep relaxation and meditation.

Registration or information please call D. Desrochers at 613-446-1648