Of the 213 000 dairy cows purebred present in Tunisia, 206 000 are predominantly Holstein cattle imported from European Union and the United States. Over 120 000 dairy heifers were imported filled since 1975, which allowed the emergence of a domestic industry. In 2004, a few thousand animals have been imported from Latin America but it turned out that these animals have no blood Holstein and instead are designed for extensive farms. Most of these cows were culled because of their aggressiveness and their very low productivity.
's enthusiasm for importing Tunisian described by Holstein dairy performance and impressive versatility of the cow that has been proven in the most extreme climatic conditions: cold of Scandinavia and the extreme heat of the Arabian desert. Also a cow is also ideal for any type of diet.
The Holstein is characterized by its specialization milk with fat content exceeding 4.0% and protein levels greater than 3.3%. A cow weighs between 600 and 700 kg with a white robe and black. Individuals homozygous recessive with a white robe and red exist and are named Holsteins Pius Red or Red Holstein.
In France, the Holstein has grown from an average production of approximately 3000 kg per lactation in 1950 to an average production level of over 8500 kg per lactation in the 2000s. Lactations of more than 20,000 kg are not rare in the United States.
Prim'Holstein In Tunisia has adapted well to the climatic conditions and diet in force. The average production of a Holstein cow is 4500 kg per lactation cows but some have exceeded 11 000 kg per lactation. The low productivity of cows in relation to the potential license is largely explained by the quality of the diet that decreases with aridity in some regions of the country. In the north, where large farms are concentrated dairy silage and green are available throughout the year. Supplementation with concentrated food is intended to completely cover the production needs of cows. In the central and southern farms soilless predominate and concentrates partly complement the basic diet (hay, straw, cactus, ...) to cover maintenance requirements, growth and gestation cows. Moreover, the availability of drinking water in some areas hampers the production of Holstein cows.
Ultimately, the Holstein cow is a successful in Tunisia when all necessary conditions are met livestock. Since 2004, governments have conditioned imports by restricting them to applicants with stables that can accommodate thirty cows to a minimum. This is a first step to a brighter future dairy ...
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