Thursday, April 10, 2008

Insurance Letter Samples Car Worth

Kundalini Yoga in Rockland

Kundalini Yoga Monday evening at the Cultural Centre Holy Family
April 7 to June 9 19h - 20h30

Learning stretching, postures, breathing techniques, followed deep relaxation and meditation.
Registration for the session of 10 classes at the Cultural Centre Holy Family 613-446-5770.

Saturday Morning Adult Kundalini Yoga
11-week session starting March 29 - June 14 from 10am - 11:30
(No class on May 10th)
Community Hall Your Independent Grocer
Cost: $ 121 (gst included) gold for 11 classes Drop-in $ 12 per class

Kundalini Yoga (bilingual) - class consists of 60 minutes of yoga at your pace and breathing postures Set with technical Followed by deep relaxation and meditation. Registration or information please call D. Desrochers at 613-446-1648

Diane I. Desrochers, Aka Meherbani Kaur RYT, RCYT
(International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association and / and Yoga Alliance)
practice this type of yoga for 12 years and has been teaching for 31 / 2 years now (500 hours of instruction). She received her training (300 hours - Level 1 and 2) Ottawa at Rama Lotus Yoga Center and New Mexico with Kundalini Research Institute (KRI).

Diane has been a student of Kundalini Yoga for more than 12 years. She has been teaching for 31/2 years (500 hours). She received her training (over 300 hours – Levels 1 and 2) in Ottawa at the Rama Lotus Yoga Centre and in New Mexico with the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI).

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